We greatly value your contribution in saving lives of people with medical condition. We are just a mediator between donor and seeker, but our users are the main operators of this organization. We would like to share all good wishes we get from the lives we saved with you.
Explore various blood donation events based on your location. Find all the necessary details of blood donation program. Verify your blood donation activity after donating blood. Create new blood donation event and invite blood donors in that area.
You can find various information related to blood donation, blood banks, medical institutions and user demography. Various informative charts, graphs and many such infographics are placed across different parts of our system. Contact us for more information.
For effective search function, we need your location information. However, your can disable or clear your location information ensuring personal privacy. You can also update your current location for more accurate search results.
We offer you our application in two different languages at the moment - Nepali and English. Depending on the user's demography, we will add more languages for easy understanding. Our default laguage is english but you can change it according to your need.
After registration and verification, you will be able to use all the available features for personal and social benefits. Buttons and text are bigger in size for clear visibility and easy nevigation. No disturbing advertisements will make it even better.
Our application has passive users and active donors. We have a big record of active donors ready to donate blood. Under circumtances, we can connect to them for blood donation. We care about your health and we want to make blood donation more easy and effective.
The best feature of this application is that it can save lives. Most of the medical cases need first aid treatment. Blood is one of the most important things needed in medical emergency. Making blood available in blood banks alone can make a huge difference.
Your private information is safe with us. We use various encryption methods to secure our system. Phone number sharing is always in your control. Some information related to blood group, location, availability and identification are pubilc.